Job Overview
Key Responsibilities
1. Screening application receivedfrom registration to assure that there is sufficient information provided tocomplete an initial prior art search
2. Identifyingthe most relevant and up to date data sources and analytic software for conductingprior art searches and for collecting information on commercial potential
3. Conductingrelated web-based analyses to assess the technical basis of an invention asinput to the company’s decisions
4. Maketechnical reports, and send to the section head for approval
5. Identifycases where outside patent analysis support is required and coordinate withexternal support providers
6. Assurethe protection of inventor’s business sensitive information and the informationproduced through The company’s analysis
7. Monitorpatents, copyrights etc., where the company has a business interest forindications of infringement
8. Assist inventor in patent filings asappropriate and monitor the status of provisional patents
9. Support the Case Manager in preparingfor interviews with Inventor and in preparing recommendations to the EvaluationCommittee.
10. MaintainingPatent Registration data base and assuring filing deadlines are met
Education: Bachelor’s degree in science, engineering, orrelated field
Experience: Five years of work experience in innovationmanagement, intellectual property management, product development, technologyintensive industry, marketing or other experience relevant to the company’scommercialization activities
3- WIPO certified candidate isa must
Job Detail
Offerd SalaryAbove 1100 KD
Career LevelOfficer
Experience5 Years